Ms. Damaris Nelima
H.O.D Research & Innovations
The vision of Bumbe TTI is “To be a centre of excellence in research, innovation and technical training”. As envisioned, we are striving to ensure research and innovation are part and parcel of training.
The office of research and development is responsible of research, innovations and extension and outreach functions of the institute. As an office we coordinate all research and extension activities and manage the commercialization of research findings and innovations including Intellectual Property Rights involved in research.
The Institute is dedicated to creating and strengthening partnership with industry and other significant institutions and/ or organizations to maximize research and innovations outcome.
We are committed to expose both our trainers and trainees to forums where they showcase new ideas and findings through interactions with various institutions such as TVET fairs, research conferences, seminars, and innovation events.
The Institution has sponsored research work done by members of staff and presented KATTI and International Conferences. In addition, the institution competes TVET Innovation fairs both western region and national level every year.